Safe and Clean Birth

  • Blood loss at the time of delivery and infection are most important causes of post partum deaths. Unfortunately, most unhygienic practices are prevalent in our rural areas, where home births are preferred to those in the hospitals for multiple reasons. These practices lead to life threatening bleeding and sepsis in mother, and infections in the newborn as well. When these mothers make contact with the tertiary care facility, often the condition is disastrous and little can be done to salvage the patient.
  • Most of these complications can be prevented using simple and cost effective measures at the time of delivery. WHO recommends *SIX CLEANS” which can help avert the complications, which include clean hands, clean perineum, clean delivery surface, clean cord cutting, clean cord tying, and clean cord care.
  • Our Clean Birth Kits provide easy-to-use, cost effective methods to maintain a clean delivery. Sakinah Lady Health Workers and Traditional Birth Attendants in carrying out safe deliveries using our clean birth kits in resource poor settings, like home births.
  • This will not only substantially help reduce overall maternal mortality and prevent complications, but also ease the burden on tertiary care hospitals. The training will also focus on appropriate disposal of the content of the kids, so that environment can be protected against contamination.